How do I change my newborn’s nappy?

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For a newborn baby, it's recommended to have at least 2-3 dozen diapers, or 24-36 diapers, on hand for the first few weeks. Keep in mind that newborns go through a lot of diapers each day, as they typically need to be changed after every feeding. Here are some things to consider: 1) Type of diapers: You may want to have a mix of disposable and cloth diapers, depending on your preference. 2) Newborn size: Make sure to purchase diapers specifically designed for newborns, as they have a smaller fit than regular size diapers. 3) Convenience: Consider keeping a stash of diapers in the changing area, in your baby's room, and in your car to be prepared when you're on-the-go. 4) Diaper changes: Newborns will have several dirty diapers each day, so be prepared to change your baby frequently. Having enough diapers on hand is important, as it will give you one less thing to worry about in the first few weeks of your baby's life. Consider also having baby wipes, diaper cream, and a changing pad on hand for easy and convenient diaper changes.
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How do I change my newborn’s nappy?