How do I physically handle my new baby?

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Holding a baby on your lap can be a special and comforting experience for both you and your baby. Here are some tips for holding a newborn securely and comfortably: 1) Support their head: Newborns have weak neck muscles and their heads can easily flop to the side, so make sure to support their head and neck with your hand. 2) Position their body: Place your baby on your lap so that their stomach is facing up and their legs are bent, in a "froggy" position. This will help support their back and prevent their spine from becoming arched. 3) Use a blanket: Wrap a blanket around your baby to help keep them warm and secure. 4) Be mindful of your posture: Sit up straight and avoid slouching, as this can put unnecessary strain on your back. 5) Bond with your baby: Holding a baby on your lap is a great opportunity to bond with them, so take a moment to look into their eyes, talk to them, or simply enjoy the moment. Remember to always supervise your baby when holding them on your lap, and to never leave them unattended. Additionally, make sure to always support their head and neck, and to be gentle and patient as you learn how to hold your new little one.
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How do I physically handle my new baby?