What do I do when I arrive home with my newborn?

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Your first day at home with your newborn can be a mixture of emotions - excitement, joy, love, and also a little bit of nervousness and exhaustion. You'll spend most of the time bonding with your baby, getting to know their habits and routines, and adjusting to life as a new parent. Your baby will likely sleep a lot and will also need to be fed every 2-3 hours, so be prepared for frequent feedings and changing diapers. You may also be visited by a healthcare provider to check on you and the baby's health. It's important to take care of yourself as well, so make sure to get enough rest, eat nutritious food, and ask for help from friends and family when needed. Keep in mind that every baby is unique, so don't compare your experience with others and trust your instincts as a parent. The first few days with a newborn can be overwhelming, but it will also be one of the most memorable and rewarding experiences of your life.
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What do I do when I arrive home with my newborn?