Episode 24
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Su Laurent
Is my baby extra sensitive?
Baby Development
Episode Completed 0/35

Episode 1
How does my baby grow and develop in their first year?
How does my baby grow and develop in their first year?
4 mins

Episode 2
What are the developmental milestones for 1 - 4 months?
What are the developmental milestones for 1 - 4 months?
5 mins

Episode 3
What are the developmental milestones for 4 - 7 months?
What are the developmental milestones for 4 - 7 months?
6 mins

Episode 4
What are the developmental milestones for 8 - 12 months?
What are the developmental milestones for 8 - 12 months?
7 mins

Episode 5
Should I be massaging my baby?
Should I be massaging my baby?
5 mins

Episode 6
Will my baby's eyes change colour?
Will my baby's eyes change colour?
6 mins

Episode 7
When will my baby have a growth spurt?
When will my baby have a growth spurt?
4 mins

Episode 8
When do babies get their first tooth?
When do babies get their first tooth?
4 mins

Episode 9
When can my baby hold their head up?
When can my baby hold their head up?
3 mins

Episode 10
How important is tummy time?
How important is tummy time?
3 mins

Episode 11
When does my baby start grasping?
When does my baby start grasping?
4 mins

Episode 12
When should my baby start rolling over?
When should my baby start rolling over?
4 mins

Episode 13
When should my baby sit up?
When should my baby sit up?
4 mins

Episode 14
When should my baby crawl?
When should my baby crawl?
4 mins

Episode 15
When should my baby stand up?
When should my baby stand up?
3 mins

Episode 16
When should my baby walk?
When should my baby walk?
3 mins

Episode 17
How do I introduce my baby to their siblings?
How do I introduce my baby to their siblings?
6 mins

Episode 18
How can non-breastfeeding partners bond with their baby without a bottle?
How can non-breastfeeding partners bond with their baby without a bottle?
4 mins

Episode 19
When will my baby smile?
When will my baby smile?
3 mins

Episode 20
How do I make my baby laugh?
How do I make my baby laugh?
4 mins

Episode 21
How long should babies suck their thumb?
How long should babies suck their thumb?
3 mins

Episode 22
Should my baby use a dummy?
Should my baby use a dummy?
4 mins

Episode 23
Does my baby recognise me?
Does my baby recognise me?
4 mins

Episode 24
Is my baby extra sensitive?
Is my baby extra sensitive?

Episode 25
Can I teach my baby to read?
Can I teach my baby to read?
4 mins

Episode 26
Is the Mozart effect real?
Is the Mozart effect real?
4 mins

Episode 27
What effect does the environment have on a baby’s cognitive and sensory development?
What effect does the environment have on a baby’s cognitive and sensory development?
5 mins

Episode 28
Is screen time good or bad for my baby?
Is screen time good or bad for my baby?
4 mins

Episode 29
How do I understand and recognise emotions in my baby?
How do I understand and recognise emotions in my baby?
4 mins

Episode 30
Can I spoil my baby by holding them too much?
Can I spoil my baby by holding them too much?
4 mins

Episode 31
How does responsive and sensitive caregiving support healthy attachment and bonding?
How does responsive and sensitive caregiving support healthy attachment and bonding?
4 mins

Episode 32
What is the importance of parent-baby communication and interaction?
What is the importance of parent-baby communication and interaction?
4 mins

Episode 33
Why is playing games with my baby important?
Why is playing games with my baby important?
5 mins

Episode 34
What can I do with my baby outside?
What can I do with my baby outside?
5 mins

Episode 35
Should I sign my baby up for swimming lessons?
Should I sign my baby up for swimming lessons?
5 mins
Unii’s Baby Development Journey looks at whether your baby is exceptionally sensitive.
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Related Questions
Sensitive babies can be easily overwhelmed by their environment, and may become upset or fussy more easily than other babies. Here are some ways to help calm a sensitive baby:
1) Provide a predictable and consistent routine: Sensitive babies thrive on structure and routine. Having a predictable schedule for feeding, sleeping, and playing can help to provide a sense of security and comfort.
2) Offer physical comfort: Holding, rocking, or cuddling your baby can provide a sense of comfort and security. You can also try gentle movements, such as swaying or bouncing, to soothe your baby.
3) Create a calm environment: Minimize sensory overload by reducing noise and stimulation in your baby's environment. You can also use white noise, such as a fan or a lullaby app, to create a calm and soothing atmosphere.
4) Use swaddling or a baby carrier: Wrapping your baby in a swaddle blanket or using a baby carrier can help to calm them by providing physical comfort and security.
5) Offer skin-to-skin contact: Skin-to-skin contact, such as kangaroo care, can help to calm a sensitive baby by promoting a sense of closeness and comfort.
6) Try soothing activities: Certain activities, such as taking a bath or going for a walk, can be soothing for sensitive babies. Experiment with different activities to find what works best for your baby.
Remember, every baby is unique, and what works for one baby may not work for another. Be patient and persistent in finding what helps your baby feel calm and comforted. With time and practice, you will become an expert in soothing your sensitive baby.