Episode 33
Medically Reviewed by Ms. Wendy Lever
Why do some parents start with purees?
Baby Feeding
Episode Completed 0/35

Episode 1
Which is right for me, breastfeeding or formula feeding?
Which is right for me, breastfeeding or formula feeding?
7 mins

Episode 2
What’s in breastmilk?
What’s in breastmilk?
6 mins

Episode 3
Is there anything I can do in pregnancy to prepare for breastfeeding?
Is there anything I can do in pregnancy to prepare for breastfeeding?
7 mins

Episode 4
How does breastfeeding support my baby's immune system?
How does breastfeeding support my baby's immune system?
4 mins

Episode 5
How do I get started with latching a newborn baby?
How do I get started with latching a newborn baby?
8 mins

Episode 6
What are the common breastfeeding challenges I may face?
What are the common breastfeeding challenges I may face?
7 mins

Episode 7
Does breast or nipple size affect breastfeeding?
Does breast or nipple size affect breastfeeding?
7 mins

Episode 8
Should I offer both breasts at each feed?
Should I offer both breasts at each feed?
8 mins

Episode 9
What is foremilk and hindmilk?
What is foremilk and hindmilk?
6 mins

Episode 10
How long should I breastfeed my baby?
How long should I breastfeed my baby?
6 mins

Episode 11
What are the signs that breastfeeding is going well?
What are the signs that breastfeeding is going well?
6 mins

Episode 12
How do I express and store breastmilk?
How do I express and store breastmilk?
7 mins

Episode 13
Can I drink alcohol, smoke or vape when breastfeeding?
Can I drink alcohol, smoke or vape when breastfeeding?
10 mins

Episode 14
Do I need to eat a special diet while breastfeeding?
Do I need to eat a special diet while breastfeeding?
7 mins

Episode 15
Can I take medication while breastfeeding?
Can I take medication while breastfeeding?
4 mins

Episode 16
Should I breastfeed my baby to sleep?
Should I breastfeed my baby to sleep?
5 mins

Episode 17
Should I feed on demand or to a schedule?
Should I feed on demand or to a schedule?
6 mins

Episode 18
What are some tips for breastfeeding in public?
What are some tips for breastfeeding in public?
7 mins

Episode 19
How do I encourage a breastfed baby to take a bottle?
How do I encourage a breastfed baby to take a bottle?
5 mins

Episode 20
How can I combination feed?
How can I combination feed?
10 mins

Episode 21
How can I safely stop breastfeeding?
How can I safely stop breastfeeding?
7 mins

Episode 22
How can I be a supportive partner to a breastfeeding mum?
How can I be a supportive partner to a breastfeeding mum?
6 mins

Episode 23
Can I breastfeed after breast surgery?
Can I breastfeed after breast surgery?
7 mins

Episode 24
How do I select the correct bottle for my baby?
How do I select the correct bottle for my baby?
6 mins

Episode 25
How do I safely prepare and store formula?
How do I safely prepare and store formula?
6 mins

Episode 26
How do I bottle feed in a baby-led way?
How do I bottle feed in a baby-led way?
7 mins

Episode 27
Can I mix breastmilk and formula in the same bottle?
Can I mix breastmilk and formula in the same bottle?
3 mins

Episode 28
What formula should I use?
What formula should I use?
9 mins

Episode 29
How much should I feed my baby?
How much should I feed my baby?
5 mins

Episode 30
How do I sterilise my bottles?
How do I sterilise my bottles?
5 mins

Episode 31
When should I wean onto solid foods?
When should I wean onto solid foods?
9 mins

Episode 32
What is baby-led weaning?
What is baby-led weaning?
7 mins

Episode 33
Why do some parents start with purees?
Why do some parents start with purees?

Episode 34
What are good first foods for babies?
What are good first foods for babies?
8 mins

Episode 35
What is the role of milk from 6-12 months?
What is the role of milk from 6-12 months?
7 mins
For our Baby Feeding Journey, Unii Expert Wendy Lever looks at whether to start weaning with purees.
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