Toddler Health and Development

Dr. Nisha Patel
26 Episodes
Episode 1
The Importance of Early Childhood Health
5 mins
Episode 2
Role of Parents and Caregivers in Promoting Toddler Health
5 mins
Episode 3
Health and Development Reviews
5 mins
Episode 4
Recommended Vaccines for Toddlers
6 mins
Episode 5
Benefits of Immunisations and Vaccine Schedules
5 mins
Episode 6
Common Illnesses and When to Seek Medical Attention
5 mins
Episode 7
Brain Development in Toddlers
5 mins
Episode 8
Gross and Fine Motor Skill Development
5 mins
Episode 9
Encouraging Development of Gross and Fine Motor Skills
4 mins
Episode 10
Monitoring Vision and Hearing Development
5 mins
Episode 11
Signs of Potential Vision or Hearing Issues
4 mins
Episode 12
Promoting Eye and Ear Health in Toddlers
4 mins
Episode 13
Social and Cognitive Development Through Play
5 mins
Episode 14
Understanding and Supporting Emotional Development
5 mins
Episode 15
Building Positive Parent-Child Relationships
5 mins
Episode 16
Social Development: Nurturing Skills and Friendships
5 mins
Episode 17
Managing and Preventing Tantrums and Behaviour Issues
5 mins
Episode 18
Monitoring Growth and Development
5 mins
Episode 19
Red Flags of Toddler Development
5 mins
Episode 20
Signs of Readiness for Toilet Training
4 mins
Episode 21
Approaches and Strategies for Successful Training
5 mins
Episode 21
Teaching Good Hygiene Habits and Self-care Skills
5 mins
Episode 23
Childproofing the Home and Outdoor Areas
5 mins
Episode 24
Common Household Hazards and Safety Precautions
0 mins
Episode 25
Water Safety and Preventing Accidents
4 mins
Episode 26
First Aid Basics for Common Injuries
5 mins